Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)

ART is a recent breakthrough in psychotherapy. Based on EMDR, ART also uses bilateral stimulation to quickly weaken neural pathways for triggers and develop new neural pathways for adaptive coping. Most people who receive ART experience relief of their symptoms within 1-3 ART sessions.

Like EMDR, ART helps create new thought pathways in the brain, which allows for new ways of thinking, behaving, and being in the world. Negative reactions to triggers are weakened and new adaptive coping skills are strengthened. People who receive ART often experience less suffering and in turn, change their behavior so they can enjoy life more. Changing one’s reactions to triggers can lead to less stress, reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, and substance abuse, and improve your mental and physical health.

During ART with me, we will first identify triggers that lead to your suffering. These triggers can be from reliving traumatic experiences in the past or recent challenging situations that you’re suffering from. Then we will do a series of exercises while you visually follow a light, hold vibrating tappers in each hand, and/or listen to tones on a headset. While you receive the bilateral stimulation, I will guide you through a corrective experience that will foster your healing. The things that used to bother you, such as triggers, no longer upset you. Old neural pathways will be weakened, thereby essentially erasing your emotional reaction to old triggers or new ones.